Friday, December 31, 2004


The tsunami that hit many parts of asia on boxing day was certainly a major disaster. When I found out about the news, I just couldn't believe it. The death toll has climbed beyond 100, 000. Houses destroyed, families torn apart, lives changed forever.

But from the devastation comes new hope. People have put aside their differences and have started contributing towards the relief efforts, many spending thousands of dollars to help people they never knew existed. Countries have suddenly put aside their differences and have offered aid to each other. Instead of focusing on needless wars killing innocent lives or focusing on politics of the world or focusing on day to day pleasure, the people of the world finally unite after such a long time to help the people affected by this tragedy.

This is God's way of telling us to always have hope, to always rely on the human spirit and always focus on what we have in common, instead of our differences.

To the individuals who have been affected greatly by tragedy, my heart goes out to you, really it does. I just lost a friend few weeks ago, and I know how devastating it is to lose a dear one. But I cannot fathom what it must be like to lose your way of life, your families and your homes all at the same time. This new years' eve, I pray that the Almighty give those affected peace and hope and also pray that the world never forgets the lessons of the need of unity, a lesson we have learnt from this disaster.


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