Tuesday, March 15, 2005

oh well

As if there aren't enough problems in the world already, I have just found that I'm putting on weight, which is not a very good thing (contrary to what many of you would think). I have not been excercising for the past 2-3 months so it seems that I'm getting out of shape and in no way that could possibly be good. Well, it seems that I'll have to get back on my excercise regime soon before I become a big blob. Haha.

I have just realised that there are very few days and nights in a week that I'm actualy free. Out of the nights, I go to give tuition three times a week, attend religious class once a week leaving me three days in which I'm too tired to do anything anyway because I would have just come back from work. And out of my two off days, I'll probably spend 1.5 days doing voluntary work somewhere or the other. well, the good thing is that I'm fairly occupied and that time in NS is passing fast. It's March already! In around a year I'll be counting down to my ORD date, Inshaallah. Like I have said over and over and over again, I simply cannot wait to start university!!!!

I'm kind of missing my class 02S7C. The part I miss most about my college life is my CT. It's like so totally fun. We could click with each other so well, talking crap, having fun and doing strange things. I remember all the lame songs we used to sing and all the funny jokes we cracked....haha. Although we've had one solitary CT outing during our time in JC, we definately bonded as one class and I love it for that. Hoping to organise a CT outing soon guys!

Ok, I dun think I have much to write today so I'll sign off now leaving you in deep thought after reading my words.


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