Friday, December 30, 2005

Ah-ha! You thought the previous post on this blog was my last one ever didn't you? Don't you dare deny it.....You thought you heard the last of me....but you haven't. So there.

Whats my excuse this time; you ask? Its the same excuse I give every other time. Too many things to do, and blogging has to suffer. Coz we all know how much of a pain creative writing can be, espeacially when you're so tired. (I'll tell you all about being tired soon. That is if i don't get too tired of typing before getting there.)

So the course at CDA & Pulau Ubin from 17th Nov to 7th Dec was great. It wasn't just great, it was fantastic. Did so many great new things, learnt so much more, developed myself as a leader even further and met so many new people. The 2nd NCDCC OBC was just fantastic. The only thing I didn't like was the distance between CDA and my home. The journey took almost 1 hr and 45 mins. Thank goodness some of my coursemates were nice enough to drive me home. Thanks Yee Pei, Felicia and Rindah!

Then took a one week break when my sweetheart came over to Singapore. I can't even begin to describe how great it was. And it was amazing. We went all over Singapore, and had lots of fun. I think we grew closer together every moment we spent together. And every moment, we realised afresh how much we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with each other. And no matter how well we knew each other, we learnt something new about each other everyday. It just goes to show how much more exciting our lives can get. Sweetheart, I love you. :)

I'll continue the rest of my story perhaps another day. But before that, some new year resolutions:
(1) Eat less. A lot less. I need to lose weight.
(2) Exercise more. A lot more. I need to look and feel much fitter.
(3) Earn more money. Lots more. I need it.

More resolutions another time. Haha.

Happy new year.


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