Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Hi everyone.

Yes its been a long time, no doubt. While some of you may say (and have said) that I have been too busy celebrating Obama's victory, in reference to my last post, I beg to differ. Obama won. Yay. Wooho. He's even been inaugurated. Joy. Now, he has to get down to serious work. Let's see what happens.

In the last few months, may things have happened. While some of them have been rather traumatic, many many many more have been very good. I have so much to be thankful to the Lord for. I have so much to be thankful to Aqa Moula (TUS) for. It is with his grace, blessings and prayers that I have achieved so much, received so much and been blessed so much. The debt can never be repayed. Moula it is you have have taught me to love, that is why I am purged of hate. It is you who have taught me to cry for Husain, that is why I am cleansed with my tears. It is you who call us to faith, that is why I have hope. It is you who is my source of comfort, that is why I have peace of mind.

But recently I have felt quite lost. I'm trying to grasp onto something, anything. It feels like I'm falling down a hole with no end. I try to keep calm but worry grips me. There are so many issues but I cannot seem to tackle any of them.

Hopefully, with his blessings, I'll be alright.

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