I apologise profusely to all those faithful readers who have been coming back day after day but have not seen any new entries and had to read old stuff or stuff from other blogs.
Despite July being of the busiest months of the year, I am actually quite happy it arrived. For one thing, it means I have 10 more months till ORD. Another thing, throughout the work, I'm having lots of fun. There is the NYJC LTC facilitator's training day coming up, a week later I'll get to meet my group for the year. My project with the force will be ending at the end of this month and I'm looking forward to organising the closing ceremony.
Well, another thing is because Mr You nominated me for the Friends of VS award and I got chosen for it and I will be receiving it at VS Speech day this year. BOA elections are also going to be held soon and I don't think I'm going to run for a second term of office as chairman so I'm looking forward to my "retirement". I really dunno how I'm going to end up feeling leaving the club after 7 years. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
There are lots of things and oppurtunities waiting for me once I leave BOA. I guess we'll take it one things at a time. :)
I miss my sweetheart so much. :)
Have fun and stay healthy.