I just finished my contract at Marshall Cavendish two days ago. I had a fantastic time over there. I made many new friends and learnt so many new things. And now I'm seriously thinking about a career in educational publishing. The work is quite interesting and very engaging especially if you're working on a book about a subject that you love. Some of the work can get a bit boring sometimes but then, which job doesn't have that? Also enjoyed the many lunches I had with my newfound friends over there. It was really amazing!
University is going to start soon. It will be great going back to school again after more than 2 1/2 years! Mnay of my former colleagues kept joking about how many new brain cells I would have to develop to make up for the many brain cells that had died in the last 2 1/2 years. Ha. Ha. Ha. It's strange but I can't wait to take down notes again, start studying for an exam, do a piece of homework (or assignments as they call it in university), to go for lectures, to do a practical, so on and so forth.
With Aqa Maula's blessings, I got into the University Scholars' Programme. For the first time I've got into something that's associate with scholars. Haha. I'm quite proud of myself actually and very thankful to Aqa Maula for his dua mubarak which made it all possible. Also wanted to thank a friend who kept on urging me to join USP, telling me I have what it takes to be in the programme.
I want to be on every dean's list. I want to get a first class honours. I want to do well on every assignment. I want to be active in outside events. I want to go for exchange programmes. I want to start university!
Truly, over the years I have sometimes doubted that I would ever get this far. I doubted I could get into VS. I doubted that I could make it to a JC. I doubted that I could make it big in NYJC. I doubted that I could survive NS. I doubted I would eventually make it into university. Make no mistake about it.....it was no smooth journey.
However much I doubted myself, Aqa Maula was there for me. All I needed was to remember him and he would make all the troubles ebb away. He was never far away. he was always there. There may have even been times where I might have dissapointed him, but Aqa Maula remained there for me, as fathers and mothers are always there for their children. How can I ever repay my debt of gratitude to a Holy Father who never asks for anything in return? He who just gives and gives and gives? Maula
Everyone, I believe, goes through a test of faith sometimes. I know I'm going through one now. In certain aspects of my life, it has been difficult to follow the faith and many times, my faith itself becomes questionable. I know Aqa Maula will get me through these tests.
Life in NCDCC is going well. I feel that I'm really connecting with my cadets at my assigned unit, Monfort Secondary School. They're quite a cool bunch and it has been quite interesting and fun training them thus far. I had a heart-to-heart talk with them last Friday. I wanted them to know what my aims for them are and I really want them to achieve it. I could see after that, they were really trying to put in their best effort in the trainings. It was really heartening to see that. The CLTs are also turning out to be quite alright. Its really fun working with them too. I only hope they feel the same way about working with me.
Well, before I go off, let me leave you with a photo from my recent travels overseas. In this photo, I was standing in front of the majestic Mehrab in Jame-ul-anwar in Cairo, Egypt. Visiting this masjid is a lifetime dream come true.

Ok guys. Take care. And I'll blog again much sooner. I promise. Have fun people!