Sunday, March 20, 2005

Lord of the Rings

Finally, I've finished watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy DVD special edition in the comfort of my own home.

LOTR is like one of my favourite movies ever! I thought Star Wars would be my all time favourite but LOTR is my absolute favourite! Evevn though this must be the third time I've watched all three trilogies, I'm not bored at all and I could watch it all over again right now.

I suppose what makes LOTR appealing to me is the real story that underlies it. The story of hope and true courage. The story of bravery and selflessness. The story of friendship and loyalty. The story of how the spirit of men, at times so divided, will come together as one to fight a common enemy, to fight evil and save good. How kings, who are the true leaders in the story, lead their men into battle, sometimes into the prospect of certain death but never allow the men to lose hope. To keep fighting, keeping in mind that their cause is a worthy one worth dying for. Whats also draws me is the close friendship that the fellowship of the ring kept. How, although they were far away from each other in times, they trusted each other and remained loyal to each other and remained strong against the enemy.

Truly, there may be times in life where we may find ourselves in impossible situations. Times when everything has gone wrong and things don't seem to be getting any better. But by keeping hope, courage and determination, all can be overcome, Inshaallah.


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