The month of Rajab-ul-Asab has started. As per my promise to god, I'm embarking on my third year of fasting during this moth. I'm praying for a lot of things during the month of Ali. Moulana Ali, the wasi of Rasulullah (SAW) led a life dedicated to his lord. When mumineen say his name, their difficulties vanish. He was a man who believed in peace, in the welfare of men and in the faith of God. Like I said, I'm praying for a lot of things this month. I pray that with Moulana Ali's wasila, all my prayers will be granted.
And of course, fasting for one whole month coupled with my diet will allow me to lose weight and win my bet with certain people.
I bought Obama's book, "The Audacity of Hope". Its getting to be quite an interesting read and I'm glad I could contribute in a small way to his campaign!
I feel like I'm drifting away from some people that I used to be close to. I don't know, perhaps its just my imagination. Perhaps they don't need me as much as they used to. Perhaps I need to stop thinking so much. Perhaps I need to get some ice-cream.
Experimental Bio test tomorrow. Wish me luck!
And for those of you who visit and don't out.