Firstly, a very big Thank You to friends in the United States for voting Obama as the next President of the United States. You guys have made the right decision and I am sure that in four years, the world will be a better place to live in.
Many people have asked me why I support Barack Obama although he's all the way in the USA. As the sole superpower in the world, his policies certainly affect the way the world functions.
Anyway, here are the reasons:
1) Obama believes in diplomacy. For him, military action is a last resort. Now imagine that instead of declaring war on Iran, Obama actually enters into dialogue with the Iranians to reach a consensus on nucleur power. Wouldn't that be great? Less people would lose their lives and the economy would not be shattered by escalating oil prices.
2) No more escalating oil prices. With the promise of peace instead of war, an Obama presidency would mean that oil prices would not go out of control. The middle and lower income groups will not be so badly affected by the current economic downturn if oil prices go lower.
3) An Obama presidency would bring back the sound economic policies of the Clinton administration. This would definitely bring the world more economic stability.
4) The Earth will be a cleaner and healthier place to live in because Obama believes in investing in renewable sources of energy and reducing our carbon footprint on the world. Al Gore has a great advocate for his environmental concerns in President-elect Obama.
5) The world can finally begin to heal. During the Bush administration, the rift between the islamic world and the western world was growing wider and wider due to the use of right wing rheteoric by Bush. The 2 badly managed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq did not help either. Neither did using terms like Islamic Terrorism. Islam does not believe in terrorism, so 'Islamic Terrorism' is a contradiction. Obama will be a president who will bring people together on their common values.
6) More hope for peace in the Middle East. The last time the Middle East came close to a peace deal was under the Clinton administration. It went down the drain under Bush. Now under president Obama, less Israeli and Palestinian children will lose thier lives because of a conflict that could have been resolved if Bush had contnued Clinton's policies.
7) Obama is a Democrat. 'nuff said.
Change we can believe in!
Have fun guys!
1 comment:
1) Obama believes in diplomacy. For him, military action is a last resort.
[HJ] True. But what is more important is phasing out of American army from Iraq and concentrate it on Al Qaida/Afghanistan.
2) No more escalating oil prices. With the promise of peace instead of war, an Obama presidency would mean that oil prices would not go out of control.
[HJ] It is required to invest in R&D for alternative fuels - think he'll do that.
3) An Obama presidency would bring back the sound economic policies of the Clinton administration.
[HJ] The current crisis can be attributed to some of the policies from the Clinton administration. I agree though that they were made worse by the Bush administration.
4) The Earth will be a cleaner and healthier place to live in because Obama believes in investing in renewable sources of energy and reducing our carbon footprint on the world.
[HJ] I don't believe he is a green kind of person. He wants to fix the American Economy and reduce dependence on oil from middle east - the result, though, is definitely greener world.
5) The world can finally begin to heal. During the Bush administration, the rift between the islamic world and the western world was growing wider and wider due to the use of right wing rheteoric by Bush. The 2 badly managed wars in Afghanistan and Iraq did not help either. Neither did using terms like Islamic Terrorism. Islam does not believe in terrorism, so 'Islamic Terrorism' is a contradiction. Obama will be a president who will bring people together on their common values.
[HJ] Which Bush administration? :)
And pal, the current perception is that terrorists equates to muslims and it's formed because of some of the muslim groups and their stupid mentality. The other group isn't entirely wrong with "Islamic Terrorism" part.
6) More hope for peace in the Middle East. The last time the Middle East came close to a peace deal was under the Clinton administration. It went down the drain under Bush. Now under president Obama, less Israeli and Palestinian children will lose thier lives because of a conflict that could have been resolved if Bush had contnued Clinton's policies.
[HJ] I don't know how you infer that. No opinion on this front.
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