Thursday, April 14, 2005

Today is the sixth day in my 11-day working marathon. Thankfully I'm holding up well but it seems that I'm going to sleep earlier and earlier as the days go by. Haha. Didn't think that I'd be that tired.

Weekend before last I went to a beautiful island resort in Malaysia at Pulau Sibu Tengah with my Mosque Youngsters Group. It was quite an exciting trip. The drive to the ferry terminal was really exciting with so many bends, turns and uphill and downhill roads. We finally got to the ferry terminal but I lost confidence in the ferry when they made us wear life jackets. Anyways, we made our way to the island, had lots of fun the first day playing games, swimming, dunking ppl and stuff. We went snorkelling the next morning and the sight was just beautiful underwater. Its like nature hid its brightest colours in the sea. Explored the off shore island and then went back. Packed up and went back home.

It's gonna be my first anniversary with my darling soon. I cannot believe that it has been a year already since I met her. It seems just like yesterday when I was mesmerized by her and fell in love. :)

Will be meeting the guys this saturday. It seems this has become the unofficial homepage of the ngee-geri-jonny-keng-hoze club. haha.


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