I have been thinking about a lot of things lately. What do I want to do in the future and stuff. And I don't know whether to be scared or excited. Because all that thinking led to only one answer. That I really still don't know what I want to do. I mean I know that I wanna get married and settle down and stuff. But career wise? I might want to be a teacher, join the SCDF, join a private sector life sciences firm or even just concentrate on making it on my own as a self-employed person.
And then there's all the other stuff I still really want to do like starting a world-peace society that will eventually broker deals for world peace, buy a bungalow on the swiss alps, study higher levels of Haqiqat (Islamic Studies) and so many other things that I can't possibly list here.
I realise that when we're young, we tend to dream a lot. We tend to have so many ambitions. And in our young naiviety, we feel that we can achieve all those dreams. As we grow older and become wiser to the world, we wonder whether we can actually achieve all those dreams.
The thing is, we can never stop dreaming. That would be disastrous. We should never stop working towards our ambitions. If we do, then when will we ever achieve them?
So people, keep draeming and keep working towards those dreams.