Ah-ha! You thought the previous post on this blog was my last one ever didn't you? Don't you dare deny it.....You thought you heard the last of me....but you haven't. So there.
Whats my excuse this time; you ask? Its the same excuse I give every other time. Too many things to do, and blogging has to suffer. Coz we all know how much of a pain creative writing can be, espeacially when you're so tired. (I'll tell you all about being tired soon. That is if i don't get too tired of typing before getting there.)
So the course at CDA & Pulau Ubin from 17th Nov to 7th Dec was great. It wasn't just great, it was fantastic. Did so many great new things, learnt so much more, developed myself as a leader even further and met so many new people. The 2nd NCDCC OBC was just fantastic. The only thing I didn't like was the distance between CDA and my home. The journey took almost 1 hr and 45 mins. Thank goodness some of my coursemates were nice enough to drive me home. Thanks Yee Pei, Felicia and Rindah!
Then took a one week break when my sweetheart came over to Singapore. I can't even begin to describe how great it was. And it was amazing. We went all over Singapore, and had lots of fun. I think we grew closer together every moment we spent together. And every moment, we realised afresh how much we wanted to spend the rest of our lives with each other. And no matter how well we knew each other, we learnt something new about each other everyday. It just goes to show how much more exciting our lives can get. Sweetheart, I love you. :)
I'll continue the rest of my story perhaps another day. But before that, some new year resolutions:
(1) Eat less. A lot less. I need to lose weight.
(2) Exercise more. A lot more. I need to look and feel much fitter.
(3) Earn more money. Lots more. I need it.
More resolutions another time. Haha.
Happy new year.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Sometimes, life is weird. And then you have to figure out some stuff all over again. And then its all okay. Then it goes all weird again. Ah, the complexities of life.
But then, is life really that complex? Or is it just a case of us making our own lives complex? I think its the latter.
I suppose problems are a part of life. No matter who you are, where you're from and what you do, you will always have some problems bugging you somewhere.
But its weird. I'm able to solve so many of my problems head on. I never have to succumb to anything or anyone. Many of these problems are even bigger than me, yet I manage to swerve them away from me. But the weird thing is, that some problems, which happen to be pretty small, manage to knock me off my feet and then I fall. Nothing wrong with falling. The problem is then I start to feel that I can't get back up again. But thank, thankfully, my whole support network around me gathers and picks me me and tells me that I can jolly well do it. And then I do.
Why? Why is it that sometimes big things can be handled so quickly but smaller issues not even worth thinking about suffocate? Ah, complexities.
Recently, I have been experiencing some problems. Small, but they refuse to go away. I'm thankful that I can always depend on those close to me to give me sound advice when reason has left me and build my confidence when its shattered. And most of all, I'm thankful that Aqa Maula (TUS) is there watching over me, always. And I know that in life, no matter what comes my way, I can never be broken as long as Aqa Maula's Dua Mubarak is protecting me.
On a lighter note, I'm getting very very excited because my course is starting soon and I can't wait! Woohoo! :) And this wednesday is my driving test and I pray that I will be able to pass the first time round. I promise that I'll be a very very careful driver! :p
So guys, take care, have fun and drink plenty of water. And remember to rid your homes of stagnant water. And don't play with fire (I mean it).
But then, is life really that complex? Or is it just a case of us making our own lives complex? I think its the latter.
I suppose problems are a part of life. No matter who you are, where you're from and what you do, you will always have some problems bugging you somewhere.
But its weird. I'm able to solve so many of my problems head on. I never have to succumb to anything or anyone. Many of these problems are even bigger than me, yet I manage to swerve them away from me. But the weird thing is, that some problems, which happen to be pretty small, manage to knock me off my feet and then I fall. Nothing wrong with falling. The problem is then I start to feel that I can't get back up again. But thank, thankfully, my whole support network around me gathers and picks me me and tells me that I can jolly well do it. And then I do.
Why? Why is it that sometimes big things can be handled so quickly but smaller issues not even worth thinking about suffocate? Ah, complexities.
Recently, I have been experiencing some problems. Small, but they refuse to go away. I'm thankful that I can always depend on those close to me to give me sound advice when reason has left me and build my confidence when its shattered. And most of all, I'm thankful that Aqa Maula (TUS) is there watching over me, always. And I know that in life, no matter what comes my way, I can never be broken as long as Aqa Maula's Dua Mubarak is protecting me.
On a lighter note, I'm getting very very excited because my course is starting soon and I can't wait! Woohoo! :) And this wednesday is my driving test and I pray that I will be able to pass the first time round. I promise that I'll be a very very careful driver! :p
So guys, take care, have fun and drink plenty of water. And remember to rid your homes of stagnant water. And don't play with fire (I mean it).
Saturday, September 24, 2005
The last one week or so has been like some kind of extreme roller coster. Its like there have been so many thoughts running through my mind, the processor is kind of overloaded. On top of that, the great big huge humongous gigantic pile of work that sits on my desk still needs to be done...all throughout the thinking.
So many many thoughts. Like what the future will be like for me. Will I be able to find a suitable job after uni? Will I be able to achieve the salary of my dreams? Start a company which would earn millions eventually? Will I be able to pursue my dreams in Singapore? Or will I have to leave my country, my home to find my rice bowl?
If I have children, what will they grow up to be like? Will they learn to honour their traditions and follow the religion of their forefathers and serve society and their country honourably or will they be swept away with the increasing amount of negative influence now infiltrating our Asian culture? Will they learn to respect all types of people in the world, regardless of race, language or religion and pursue world peace? What type of parent would I be? Will I still be able to talk to my kids when they are in their teens?
Will my social life remain the same? Will I still be able to keep all the friends I have right now? Will In always be able to rely on them for support and give support to them when they need to rely on me? Will I remain in contact with them till I grow old?
With the way the world is going now, will I ever need to experience anything other than peace, which I'm enjoying in Singapore? Will I ever need to rise to the occasion and serve my country if there ever would be a war here? There's no doubt that I'd go forward and protect my country, Singapore, with everything I have. It's my home, I have to protect what is mine. But will it ever come to that? After that, then what?
Goodness knows why I was thinking so much. Perhaps it has to do with recent events, causing us to think about the future in a forever changing world.
And to my sweetheart. I know you're kinda busy and perhaps a bit stressed with your exams but always know I'm here for you. Love you.
Ok Guys, enough thoughts for today. Take care and goodnight. And remember, world peace is achievable if we all put aside our differences, try to understand each other and work towards a better future together.
So many many thoughts. Like what the future will be like for me. Will I be able to find a suitable job after uni? Will I be able to achieve the salary of my dreams? Start a company which would earn millions eventually? Will I be able to pursue my dreams in Singapore? Or will I have to leave my country, my home to find my rice bowl?
If I have children, what will they grow up to be like? Will they learn to honour their traditions and follow the religion of their forefathers and serve society and their country honourably or will they be swept away with the increasing amount of negative influence now infiltrating our Asian culture? Will they learn to respect all types of people in the world, regardless of race, language or religion and pursue world peace? What type of parent would I be? Will I still be able to talk to my kids when they are in their teens?
Will my social life remain the same? Will I still be able to keep all the friends I have right now? Will In always be able to rely on them for support and give support to them when they need to rely on me? Will I remain in contact with them till I grow old?
With the way the world is going now, will I ever need to experience anything other than peace, which I'm enjoying in Singapore? Will I ever need to rise to the occasion and serve my country if there ever would be a war here? There's no doubt that I'd go forward and protect my country, Singapore, with everything I have. It's my home, I have to protect what is mine. But will it ever come to that? After that, then what?
Goodness knows why I was thinking so much. Perhaps it has to do with recent events, causing us to think about the future in a forever changing world.
And to my sweetheart. I know you're kinda busy and perhaps a bit stressed with your exams but always know I'm here for you. Love you.
Ok Guys, enough thoughts for today. Take care and goodnight. And remember, world peace is achievable if we all put aside our differences, try to understand each other and work towards a better future together.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
The TV series One Tree Hill is really an interesting one. I don't think there is another TV series that can truly match the accuracy of how it portrays teenage life. The emotion, situation and action is so accurate you sometimes feel like you're looking at your own life through the series, of course, less dramatic. It's on every Wednesday on Starworld (Starhub Ch 18)at 8pm and 10 pm. You guys shoudld really check it out. I promise, it shall not dissapoint. (Though because the story has advanced so much you might find a little trouble following it)
I went to the URA City Gallery a few days ago. It was amazing. Part of the exhibits was a scale model of the whole Sinagpore city area. They actually had models of every building in the city area and placed it on a map. Orchard road, City Hall area, raffles place....everything.

The Gallery is located at the URA building somewhere in Shenton Way I think. Guys, check it out!
Ok, that's all. Have fun.
I went to the URA City Gallery a few days ago. It was amazing. Part of the exhibits was a scale model of the whole Sinagpore city area. They actually had models of every building in the city area and placed it on a map. Orchard road, City Hall area, raffles place....everything.

The Gallery is located at the URA building somewhere in Shenton Way I think. Guys, check it out!
Ok, that's all. Have fun.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
photos of the week....or month....or whatever.
I have to apologise, to everyone. I have to apologise for leaving my blog un-updated for a long time despite many of you phoning, sms-ing, emailing and tagging me to update it. I have just been qite tied up in the ordered chaos that is life.
Many things have happened since I last updated. One of it was stepping down as chairman of the VSITC BOA. After eight years, I am finally taking a step back.
I remember feeling something like this when I had stepped down as president of the club four years ago. But despite having felt it before, the emotions were just as overwhelming. I don't know if I will ever be able to get over this feeling but I'm confident that time will lessen the effects.
I had arrived early at VS for the handover ceremony. It then struck me how much I had to prepare to see this day. The initial talk of stepping down, the conducting of elections, meeting up with my successor a few times to hand down everything and ensure nothing is left out. I didn't have time to think about emotions prior to the handing over. All I know is that sometimes I felt angry, because people just didn't understand why I needed to step down, anxious because I didn't know whether I was making the right decisions, desperate because time was running out and I had to ensure that I gave my successor everything I knew.
The ceremony went relatively well. I had actually prepared a long speech to give, but honestly, I didn't feel like giving it when I went up to make the speech so I said a few words and stepped back.
After the ceremony, I had stepped down. Felt slightly disoriented, but knew life still had much in store for me.
Will update again.....soon. :)
Take Care Guys.
Many things have happened since I last updated. One of it was stepping down as chairman of the VSITC BOA. After eight years, I am finally taking a step back.
I remember feeling something like this when I had stepped down as president of the club four years ago. But despite having felt it before, the emotions were just as overwhelming. I don't know if I will ever be able to get over this feeling but I'm confident that time will lessen the effects.
I had arrived early at VS for the handover ceremony. It then struck me how much I had to prepare to see this day. The initial talk of stepping down, the conducting of elections, meeting up with my successor a few times to hand down everything and ensure nothing is left out. I didn't have time to think about emotions prior to the handing over. All I know is that sometimes I felt angry, because people just didn't understand why I needed to step down, anxious because I didn't know whether I was making the right decisions, desperate because time was running out and I had to ensure that I gave my successor everything I knew.
The ceremony went relatively well. I had actually prepared a long speech to give, but honestly, I didn't feel like giving it when I went up to make the speech so I said a few words and stepped back.
After the ceremony, I had stepped down. Felt slightly disoriented, but knew life still had much in store for me.
Will update again.....soon. :)
Take Care Guys.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I apologise profusely to all those faithful readers who have been coming back day after day but have not seen any new entries and had to read old stuff or stuff from other blogs.
Despite July being of the busiest months of the year, I am actually quite happy it arrived. For one thing, it means I have 10 more months till ORD. Another thing, throughout the work, I'm having lots of fun. There is the NYJC LTC facilitator's training day coming up, a week later I'll get to meet my group for the year. My project with the force will be ending at the end of this month and I'm looking forward to organising the closing ceremony.
Well, another thing is because Mr You nominated me for the Friends of VS award and I got chosen for it and I will be receiving it at VS Speech day this year. BOA elections are also going to be held soon and I don't think I'm going to run for a second term of office as chairman so I'm looking forward to my "retirement". I really dunno how I'm going to end up feeling leaving the club after 7 years. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
There are lots of things and oppurtunities waiting for me once I leave BOA. I guess we'll take it one things at a time. :)
I miss my sweetheart so much. :)
Have fun and stay healthy.
Despite July being of the busiest months of the year, I am actually quite happy it arrived. For one thing, it means I have 10 more months till ORD. Another thing, throughout the work, I'm having lots of fun. There is the NYJC LTC facilitator's training day coming up, a week later I'll get to meet my group for the year. My project with the force will be ending at the end of this month and I'm looking forward to organising the closing ceremony.
Well, another thing is because Mr You nominated me for the Friends of VS award and I got chosen for it and I will be receiving it at VS Speech day this year. BOA elections are also going to be held soon and I don't think I'm going to run for a second term of office as chairman so I'm looking forward to my "retirement". I really dunno how I'm going to end up feeling leaving the club after 7 years. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
There are lots of things and oppurtunities waiting for me once I leave BOA. I guess we'll take it one things at a time. :)
I miss my sweetheart so much. :)
Have fun and stay healthy.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Ok, I think I shall not continue on my story about my trip to India. Coz then I'll never get down to it and never post another entry.
I was really dissapointed i something that has happened recently. To make things worse, people who are not at fault are being made to seem at fault. Sigh. Sometimes I wonder, when will these people grow up? Or rather, when would this specific person grow up? You could spend a lifetime explaining something to someone yet he would still come up with dumb stupid arguments. Really, sometimes I don't even know why I bother.
I've been trying to get myself back on my excercise programme coz I seem to be really getting out of shape. Starting to feel tired very easily and stuff. Just bought a gym ball for training but can't seem to keep it anywhere in the house.
Cannot wait to organise the CT bbq. Just waiting for the correct time? Yo 02S7C people, you ready to go? I love you guys.
NYJC shall now remain NYJC. Thank god. Can you imagine it being renamed to CCJC? Goodness knows what came over some people. But what really touched me is the thousands of NYJCians that immediately came forward to sign the petition to retain the glorious name of our glorious college. NYJCians, you're the best. And credit goes to Song Kwang for getting things organised for the petition.
NYJC LTC also coming up soon. Can't wait!
See ya guys!
I was really dissapointed i something that has happened recently. To make things worse, people who are not at fault are being made to seem at fault. Sigh. Sometimes I wonder, when will these people grow up? Or rather, when would this specific person grow up? You could spend a lifetime explaining something to someone yet he would still come up with dumb stupid arguments. Really, sometimes I don't even know why I bother.
I've been trying to get myself back on my excercise programme coz I seem to be really getting out of shape. Starting to feel tired very easily and stuff. Just bought a gym ball for training but can't seem to keep it anywhere in the house.
Cannot wait to organise the CT bbq. Just waiting for the correct time? Yo 02S7C people, you ready to go? I love you guys.
NYJC shall now remain NYJC. Thank god. Can you imagine it being renamed to CCJC? Goodness knows what came over some people. But what really touched me is the thousands of NYJCians that immediately came forward to sign the petition to retain the glorious name of our glorious college. NYJCians, you're the best. And credit goes to Song Kwang for getting things organised for the petition.
NYJC LTC also coming up soon. Can't wait!
See ya guys!
Friday, June 10, 2005
Ok, I'm back!!! Went to India for the last 8 days or so and had a great, but physically exhausting holiday. I'm gonna write about my trip here but i think writing everything in one post would deem this post too long so I'll just break it up and write out the whole story over the ext few days in separate posts.
My pre-trip days were very very hectic, as you may have surmised from my earlier entries. There were lots of things to do and packing my bags were just one of the many things written on my to-do list. Finally, on the night before my trip, I managed to get everything I needed to bring to fit into my bag and after repeatedly checking my packing list, I was convinced that I had all my stuff and went to sleep. The next morning, I went to work with my bags, met Aziz for lunch and then got ready to go. My warrant officr was kind enough to drop me off at the airport. I then boarded the plane and started on my way to Mumbai....
Will continue tomorrow. Take care guys. :)
My pre-trip days were very very hectic, as you may have surmised from my earlier entries. There were lots of things to do and packing my bags were just one of the many things written on my to-do list. Finally, on the night before my trip, I managed to get everything I needed to bring to fit into my bag and after repeatedly checking my packing list, I was convinced that I had all my stuff and went to sleep. The next morning, I went to work with my bags, met Aziz for lunch and then got ready to go. My warrant officr was kind enough to drop me off at the airport. I then boarded the plane and started on my way to Mumbai....
Will continue tomorrow. Take care guys. :)
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Things have been quite an organised chaos nowadays. So many different things happening simultaneously. I think never in the history of the universe have so many things happened at the same....probably causing an overload on the 'universal' server and slowing time down as we know it.
I dunno....sometimes I think I seem to get a rush out of being so busy. It just keeps me occupied, allowing me to be doing something at every point in time. I seem to thrive on a schedule bursting at the seams. I'm able to perform my best when my daily planner is full.
But on the other hand, I always complain that being so utterly busy deprives me of personal time which I would really really love to have. It seems that since my JC days, I have been spending more time with other people than spending time with myself. I miss the times where I could just walk into a cafe with a good book, order my favourite mix and sit down for perhaps a few hours just reading or writing. Now when I go to places like orchard road or suntec, I'll defintely run into an aquaintance every now and then, depriving me of my much-wanted personal time.
But another thing....I never have enough time for my close friends. I have many close friends, and it's very difficult to spend time with all of them. I'm just lucky that they call me once in a while to keep in touch. :) Ever since I left JC, my social life has definately taken a dive. Hopefully it picks up the moment I go to uni.
Now I'm busy packing to go overseas. Still lots to do, so much to complete and many things still left unsettled. Time to get busy again. Haha.
To my friends, you're not fogotten. Take care guys. See ya around :)
I dunno....sometimes I think I seem to get a rush out of being so busy. It just keeps me occupied, allowing me to be doing something at every point in time. I seem to thrive on a schedule bursting at the seams. I'm able to perform my best when my daily planner is full.
But on the other hand, I always complain that being so utterly busy deprives me of personal time which I would really really love to have. It seems that since my JC days, I have been spending more time with other people than spending time with myself. I miss the times where I could just walk into a cafe with a good book, order my favourite mix and sit down for perhaps a few hours just reading or writing. Now when I go to places like orchard road or suntec, I'll defintely run into an aquaintance every now and then, depriving me of my much-wanted personal time.
But another thing....I never have enough time for my close friends. I have many close friends, and it's very difficult to spend time with all of them. I'm just lucky that they call me once in a while to keep in touch. :) Ever since I left JC, my social life has definately taken a dive. Hopefully it picks up the moment I go to uni.
Now I'm busy packing to go overseas. Still lots to do, so much to complete and many things still left unsettled. Time to get busy again. Haha.
To my friends, you're not fogotten. Take care guys. See ya around :)
Monday, May 09, 2005
After being repeatedly told to update my bog, here I am again after almost three weeks of absence.
As you may have concluded, while searching for answers to why I have been absent from the blogging scene for so long, I have been really really really busy. Which is the usual story. But I'm not complaining because being busy is good, it makes time pass faster when things get really boring. Haha.
Celebrated Mothers' Day yesterday. I was completely puzzled as to what to give my mum for Mothers' Day. Gifts have to be perfect. They have to mean something. So I thought since my mum is an executive, she needs a classy pen to carry around and use. So I got her a Stainless steel, airbrushed, roller ball Parker Pen. Which actually looks pretty cool. Hope she liked it. Happy Mothers' Day Mum!
Will update sommore later. Haha.
As you may have concluded, while searching for answers to why I have been absent from the blogging scene for so long, I have been really really really busy. Which is the usual story. But I'm not complaining because being busy is good, it makes time pass faster when things get really boring. Haha.
Celebrated Mothers' Day yesterday. I was completely puzzled as to what to give my mum for Mothers' Day. Gifts have to be perfect. They have to mean something. So I thought since my mum is an executive, she needs a classy pen to carry around and use. So I got her a Stainless steel, airbrushed, roller ball Parker Pen. Which actually looks pretty cool. Hope she liked it. Happy Mothers' Day Mum!
Will update sommore later. Haha.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Today is the sixth day in my 11-day working marathon. Thankfully I'm holding up well but it seems that I'm going to sleep earlier and earlier as the days go by. Haha. Didn't think that I'd be that tired.
Weekend before last I went to a beautiful island resort in Malaysia at Pulau Sibu Tengah with my Mosque Youngsters Group. It was quite an exciting trip. The drive to the ferry terminal was really exciting with so many bends, turns and uphill and downhill roads. We finally got to the ferry terminal but I lost confidence in the ferry when they made us wear life jackets. Anyways, we made our way to the island, had lots of fun the first day playing games, swimming, dunking ppl and stuff. We went snorkelling the next morning and the sight was just beautiful underwater. Its like nature hid its brightest colours in the sea. Explored the off shore island and then went back. Packed up and went back home.
It's gonna be my first anniversary with my darling soon. I cannot believe that it has been a year already since I met her. It seems just like yesterday when I was mesmerized by her and fell in love. :)
Will be meeting the guys this saturday. It seems this has become the unofficial homepage of the ngee-geri-jonny-keng-hoze club. haha.
Weekend before last I went to a beautiful island resort in Malaysia at Pulau Sibu Tengah with my Mosque Youngsters Group. It was quite an exciting trip. The drive to the ferry terminal was really exciting with so many bends, turns and uphill and downhill roads. We finally got to the ferry terminal but I lost confidence in the ferry when they made us wear life jackets. Anyways, we made our way to the island, had lots of fun the first day playing games, swimming, dunking ppl and stuff. We went snorkelling the next morning and the sight was just beautiful underwater. Its like nature hid its brightest colours in the sea. Explored the off shore island and then went back. Packed up and went back home.
It's gonna be my first anniversary with my darling soon. I cannot believe that it has been a year already since I met her. It seems just like yesterday when I was mesmerized by her and fell in love. :)
Will be meeting the guys this saturday. It seems this has become the unofficial homepage of the ngee-geri-jonny-keng-hoze club. haha.
Monday, March 28, 2005
here and there
Yesterday I was reading the forum section of the newspaper and I was really ticked off by what some self-righteous idiot wrote in his letter. He was complaining about Singaporeans' behaviour in the cinema and how irritating it was to have them sms-ing and giggling and god-know-what-ing while the movie was playing. Yes, I agree, common courtesy was missing in this select group with which the author, was watching the movie with. But what sent my temperature up was what he wrote. I qoute: " We claim to be westernised and affluent. However, most of us do not have the basic social graces that distinguish most Westerners." Excuuuuuuuse me! So what the heck is this guy trying to tell us? That only westerners have 'basic social graces'? How dare this person even try to imply that! Let me tell you one thing, I proud to be an Asian and I assure you I'll never swap my asian values for western ones. As least I didn't devolve a couple of millenia and have sex with every girl I meet like some kind of animal. Asians at least still value the sanctity of marraige and our values teach us that pre-marital sex is wrong. Our values teach us to respect our leaders instead of making fun of the very people we elected everyday in the newspapers. Our values teach us to respect the culture of other people and not just invade any country whose values differ from ours. So, to this author I say: I'm very happy with my values, thank you very much and I don't need the so-called social graces of westerners.
Sigh... I tell you, the cheek of some people to even write that and the cheek of the newspaper to even print that!
The VS Inter-primary school web design competition's briefing day was held last saturday at SCDF HQ and it was pretty good. I was really proud of the sec 3s who did a great job in organising everything.
Yesterday I met JS and michi to discuss the activity for the LTC. Our ideas turned out quite ok. Hopefully the PE dept will think so too.
Dun feel like typing out much now....perhaps later. Take care and have fun.
Sigh... I tell you, the cheek of some people to even write that and the cheek of the newspaper to even print that!
The VS Inter-primary school web design competition's briefing day was held last saturday at SCDF HQ and it was pretty good. I was really proud of the sec 3s who did a great job in organising everything.
Yesterday I met JS and michi to discuss the activity for the LTC. Our ideas turned out quite ok. Hopefully the PE dept will think so too.
Dun feel like typing out much now....perhaps later. Take care and have fun.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Lord of the Rings
Finally, I've finished watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy DVD special edition in the comfort of my own home.
LOTR is like one of my favourite movies ever! I thought Star Wars would be my all time favourite but LOTR is my absolute favourite! Evevn though this must be the third time I've watched all three trilogies, I'm not bored at all and I could watch it all over again right now.
I suppose what makes LOTR appealing to me is the real story that underlies it. The story of hope and true courage. The story of bravery and selflessness. The story of friendship and loyalty. The story of how the spirit of men, at times so divided, will come together as one to fight a common enemy, to fight evil and save good. How kings, who are the true leaders in the story, lead their men into battle, sometimes into the prospect of certain death but never allow the men to lose hope. To keep fighting, keeping in mind that their cause is a worthy one worth dying for. Whats also draws me is the close friendship that the fellowship of the ring kept. How, although they were far away from each other in times, they trusted each other and remained loyal to each other and remained strong against the enemy.
Truly, there may be times in life where we may find ourselves in impossible situations. Times when everything has gone wrong and things don't seem to be getting any better. But by keeping hope, courage and determination, all can be overcome, Inshaallah.
LOTR is like one of my favourite movies ever! I thought Star Wars would be my all time favourite but LOTR is my absolute favourite! Evevn though this must be the third time I've watched all three trilogies, I'm not bored at all and I could watch it all over again right now.
I suppose what makes LOTR appealing to me is the real story that underlies it. The story of hope and true courage. The story of bravery and selflessness. The story of friendship and loyalty. The story of how the spirit of men, at times so divided, will come together as one to fight a common enemy, to fight evil and save good. How kings, who are the true leaders in the story, lead their men into battle, sometimes into the prospect of certain death but never allow the men to lose hope. To keep fighting, keeping in mind that their cause is a worthy one worth dying for. Whats also draws me is the close friendship that the fellowship of the ring kept. How, although they were far away from each other in times, they trusted each other and remained loyal to each other and remained strong against the enemy.
Truly, there may be times in life where we may find ourselves in impossible situations. Times when everything has gone wrong and things don't seem to be getting any better. But by keeping hope, courage and determination, all can be overcome, Inshaallah.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
oh well
As if there aren't enough problems in the world already, I have just found that I'm putting on weight, which is not a very good thing (contrary to what many of you would think). I have not been excercising for the past 2-3 months so it seems that I'm getting out of shape and in no way that could possibly be good. Well, it seems that I'll have to get back on my excercise regime soon before I become a big blob. Haha.
I have just realised that there are very few days and nights in a week that I'm actualy free. Out of the nights, I go to give tuition three times a week, attend religious class once a week leaving me three days in which I'm too tired to do anything anyway because I would have just come back from work. And out of my two off days, I'll probably spend 1.5 days doing voluntary work somewhere or the other. well, the good thing is that I'm fairly occupied and that time in NS is passing fast. It's March already! In around a year I'll be counting down to my ORD date, Inshaallah. Like I have said over and over and over again, I simply cannot wait to start university!!!!
I'm kind of missing my class 02S7C. The part I miss most about my college life is my CT. It's like so totally fun. We could click with each other so well, talking crap, having fun and doing strange things. I remember all the lame songs we used to sing and all the funny jokes we cracked....haha. Although we've had one solitary CT outing during our time in JC, we definately bonded as one class and I love it for that. Hoping to organise a CT outing soon guys!
Ok, I dun think I have much to write today so I'll sign off now leaving you in deep thought after reading my words.
I have just realised that there are very few days and nights in a week that I'm actualy free. Out of the nights, I go to give tuition three times a week, attend religious class once a week leaving me three days in which I'm too tired to do anything anyway because I would have just come back from work. And out of my two off days, I'll probably spend 1.5 days doing voluntary work somewhere or the other. well, the good thing is that I'm fairly occupied and that time in NS is passing fast. It's March already! In around a year I'll be counting down to my ORD date, Inshaallah. Like I have said over and over and over again, I simply cannot wait to start university!!!!
I'm kind of missing my class 02S7C. The part I miss most about my college life is my CT. It's like so totally fun. We could click with each other so well, talking crap, having fun and doing strange things. I remember all the lame songs we used to sing and all the funny jokes we cracked....haha. Although we've had one solitary CT outing during our time in JC, we definately bonded as one class and I love it for that. Hoping to organise a CT outing soon guys!
Ok, I dun think I have much to write today so I'll sign off now leaving you in deep thought after reading my words.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
More stuff
I am having a serious lack of time. A very serious lack of time. And the amount of stuff I have to do is getting more and more and more. I have to do something about it otherwise I'll never stop chasing the clock. And never stop feeling so darned tired. The worse part: I'll never meet up with my friends!
Met up with Jason last Sunday. It was great. I hadn't seen my bro for quite some time and it was great catching up with him. We talked about a lot of stuff and crapped a lot...haha.
Too tired to type now....maybe will type sommore later.
To my sweetheart: I love you dear.
See ya guys and take care.
Met up with Jason last Sunday. It was great. I hadn't seen my bro for quite some time and it was great catching up with him. We talked about a lot of stuff and crapped a lot...haha.
Too tired to type now....maybe will type sommore later.
To my sweetheart: I love you dear.
See ya guys and take care.
Saturday, February 26, 2005
And so life goes on....as it always has.
Been quite busy this past few weeks. So busy that I've had aboslutely no time to catch up with my social life, as is my usual complaint. But I think this time it's really bad. People have been messaging me, calling me, emailing me, asking me if I still exist on the face of this earth, or in the case of the telephone callers, whether they need to pay extra for the long distance call to another dimension far far away. Sigh, I breally didn't know life could be this busy. But there is hope....I'm gonna drop a few commitments soon and hopefully I'll have more time for the things that really matter to me in my life after that.
And so now i've started to learn driving, which is not as easy as it seems. It takes quite a bit of getting used to and requires you to take a deep breathe and try to understand that you will not necessarily wreck the car. I've been through four lessons but unfortunately my progress has been really slow thus far. I've really gotta cncentrate more on this if I plan to hav a driving license by august.
And I really miss my sweetheart. It seems that everyday, my love for her grows more and more. It was her birthday a few days ago...Happy birthday dear. It's so wonderful to have you in my life dear and I'm thankful to Allah everyday that you're with me. :)
Ok people, I rpomise you that I will from this moment onwards try to stay more in contact with all of you. Promise from the bottom of my heart. So here goes....
Anyway, take care and have fun.
Been quite busy this past few weeks. So busy that I've had aboslutely no time to catch up with my social life, as is my usual complaint. But I think this time it's really bad. People have been messaging me, calling me, emailing me, asking me if I still exist on the face of this earth, or in the case of the telephone callers, whether they need to pay extra for the long distance call to another dimension far far away. Sigh, I breally didn't know life could be this busy. But there is hope....I'm gonna drop a few commitments soon and hopefully I'll have more time for the things that really matter to me in my life after that.
And so now i've started to learn driving, which is not as easy as it seems. It takes quite a bit of getting used to and requires you to take a deep breathe and try to understand that you will not necessarily wreck the car. I've been through four lessons but unfortunately my progress has been really slow thus far. I've really gotta cncentrate more on this if I plan to hav a driving license by august.
And I really miss my sweetheart. It seems that everyday, my love for her grows more and more. It was her birthday a few days ago...Happy birthday dear. It's so wonderful to have you in my life dear and I'm thankful to Allah everyday that you're with me. :)
Ok people, I rpomise you that I will from this moment onwards try to stay more in contact with all of you. Promise from the bottom of my heart. So here goes....
Anyway, take care and have fun.
Monday, February 14, 2005
Ya Husain
It's now the middle of Ashara and now the days are getting less and less. The days in which we remember the the ultimate sacrifice of Imam Husain (AS) for the salvation of all mumineen. We remember how he sacrificed his life along with his family and followers so that our sins may be forgiven and that we achieve peace in our hearts and walk on the right path. We remember how his sister, Maulatena Zainab, grieved upon her dead brother and told people about his ultimate sacrifice. We remember how his daughter, Maulatena Sakina cried and cried each night, unable to sleep without her father and kept on asking for her father until the enemies brought out his holy head and Sakina unable to deal with her grief died crying upon her father. Ya Husain! We remember the ehsanaat of Aqa Maula, who showers us with barakat, day and night and calls the faithful to remember what Imam Husain sacrificed his life for. For the ideals of Islam which is mercy, peace, goodwill and submission to god. Ya Husain!
For three days, the enemies had kept the House of Imam Husain thirsty on the sandy plains of Kerbala by blocking their path to water. How could they forget that who this was? That this was the grandson of the holy prophet?
The enemies had no mercy. They killed all of Husain's male followers. They killed Maulana Abbas Alamdar, who was trying to get some water for Imam Husain's Daughter as he was unable to bear to see his niece thirsty. They killed the youngster Maulana Ali Akbar, Imam Husain's son. They killed even Imam Husain's 6 month old son, who Imam husain brought out of his camp to show to the enemies how his infant son was trembling due to lack of water. He asked if anyone had a son, they would know that a baby boy needs water. Instead of water, these enemies shot and arrow that landed on the infant's throat, killing him. Ya Husain!
Personally, it is a time for me to remember and reflet. To reflect upon my actions in the past and learn and realise how to be a better person. How to be a person worthy of Imam Husain's Dai's blessings. How to embrace what is good and throw out what is bad. Maula, I beseech you, in the last few days of Ashara, grant me the strength to pray, to grieve, to do matam and to attain your hapiness.
For three days, the enemies had kept the House of Imam Husain thirsty on the sandy plains of Kerbala by blocking their path to water. How could they forget that who this was? That this was the grandson of the holy prophet?
The enemies had no mercy. They killed all of Husain's male followers. They killed Maulana Abbas Alamdar, who was trying to get some water for Imam Husain's Daughter as he was unable to bear to see his niece thirsty. They killed the youngster Maulana Ali Akbar, Imam Husain's son. They killed even Imam Husain's 6 month old son, who Imam husain brought out of his camp to show to the enemies how his infant son was trembling due to lack of water. He asked if anyone had a son, they would know that a baby boy needs water. Instead of water, these enemies shot and arrow that landed on the infant's throat, killing him. Ya Husain!
Personally, it is a time for me to remember and reflet. To reflect upon my actions in the past and learn and realise how to be a better person. How to be a person worthy of Imam Husain's Dai's blessings. How to embrace what is good and throw out what is bad. Maula, I beseech you, in the last few days of Ashara, grant me the strength to pray, to grieve, to do matam and to attain your hapiness.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Can't think of a title no more
I think its pretty weird that each blog entry should have a title. I mean its like whenever I type my blog I dun type it with a specific title in mind. I just let my thoughts flow into my fingers which reciprocate by pressing the correct keys on the keyboard to allow masterpiece posts on my blog.Maybe I should start naming every post on my blog, "My Life". Sigh.
The last few days of working have been great. There is less tension in the office and people are starting to co-operate with one another. Its not perfect but hey, something is better than nothing at all.
Going to NYJC later to meet geri and talk to her about setting up a website to help bio students cope with the A level syllabus. I think its going to be a fun project to work on and I cannot wait till it gets up and running!
Also have my first bio class with the j2s this year today. I'm pretty nervous because j2 topics are much more difficult and with the a levels around the corner, the students expect a lot more from you. Similarly, I expect a lot more from them so lets see how it goes.
I went for my second driving lesson today! Driving is pretty fun but I tend to get very nervous sometimes and that slows me down in the learning process....I'm being assured by the parental units that the nervousness is temporary and very soon I will lack the patience in waiting to get a full driving license. Well, lets hope so. A few days ago, some people were talking about speeding on the Malaysian highway and they were saying that it was worth paying the fine just to feel the speed. As they were my aquaintances, I couldn't help but tell them off. I mean, what kind of stupid, absolutely stupid dumbass and irresponsible behavious is that? When you speed, you tend to do things like tailgate slower cars and srive recklessly. There's a reason they ave a speed limit. It's so other people don't have to die from raod accidents. So that other children dont get orphaned and people don't get crippled for life. I mean, don't you read the papers and see how many lives are changed forever because of the irresponsible behaviour of a few? I make a plea right now to all road users to make safety the first priority instead of reckless fun.
Ashara is coming closer and closer. Aqa Maula (TUS) will be in Surat to shower upon mumineed barakat and more barakat. I'm now preparing mentally, physically and spiritually for these ten days of prayer, rememberance and spiritual cleansing. To think of peace and love instead of hate and anger. To listen to Aqa Maula's divine message of remembering the Lord and his Imam. To understand that only through love of God, and mankind, that we can hope to achieve enlightenment.
Take care guys, and have fun.
The last few days of working have been great. There is less tension in the office and people are starting to co-operate with one another. Its not perfect but hey, something is better than nothing at all.
Going to NYJC later to meet geri and talk to her about setting up a website to help bio students cope with the A level syllabus. I think its going to be a fun project to work on and I cannot wait till it gets up and running!
Also have my first bio class with the j2s this year today. I'm pretty nervous because j2 topics are much more difficult and with the a levels around the corner, the students expect a lot more from you. Similarly, I expect a lot more from them so lets see how it goes.
I went for my second driving lesson today! Driving is pretty fun but I tend to get very nervous sometimes and that slows me down in the learning process....I'm being assured by the parental units that the nervousness is temporary and very soon I will lack the patience in waiting to get a full driving license. Well, lets hope so. A few days ago, some people were talking about speeding on the Malaysian highway and they were saying that it was worth paying the fine just to feel the speed. As they were my aquaintances, I couldn't help but tell them off. I mean, what kind of stupid, absolutely stupid dumbass and irresponsible behavious is that? When you speed, you tend to do things like tailgate slower cars and srive recklessly. There's a reason they ave a speed limit. It's so other people don't have to die from raod accidents. So that other children dont get orphaned and people don't get crippled for life. I mean, don't you read the papers and see how many lives are changed forever because of the irresponsible behaviour of a few? I make a plea right now to all road users to make safety the first priority instead of reckless fun.
Ashara is coming closer and closer. Aqa Maula (TUS) will be in Surat to shower upon mumineed barakat and more barakat. I'm now preparing mentally, physically and spiritually for these ten days of prayer, rememberance and spiritual cleansing. To think of peace and love instead of hate and anger. To listen to Aqa Maula's divine message of remembering the Lord and his Imam. To understand that only through love of God, and mankind, that we can hope to achieve enlightenment.
Take care guys, and have fun.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Life as of now
Life right now is pretty hectic (whats new?). I feel like its more hectic now than it has ever been. There just seems to be so much work for me to do and I do not have the time to do it all and in some cases I'm desperately trying to catch up with some of my work. I used to be pretty carefree, going out with friends and constantly expanding my social circle. But recently, I have absolutely no time for that and my social life hgas come to an absolute standstill. Johnny called me many times to invite me for an outing with the 'gang' but for a while now i've been deciling every single invitation. That's weird, coz I'd usually jump at an invitation like that and accept it immediately. And there are still so manyt things I want to do. There are some things I'm doing now that I don't find very meaningful anymore but I have to hang on for a while longer because I haven't finish all I need to do there. I'll still continue to teach at NYJC because teaching over there has become a passion with me and I really enjoy doing it and helping the students. I'll still participate actively in mosque activities. I'll still be involved in youth organisations and I'll still busy myself with picking up new skills. I guess that leaves one or two things which are left. Some people already know what they are and know when I'm gonna cease doing those things.
Went to Malaysia last weekend and met my sweetheart and fell even more deeply in love with her. Sometimes, it just takes one person to completely change your perspective on life. Or at least some perspectives if not all.
I passed my basic theory test! Woohoo! I'm so happy. Now I can apply for a provisional driving license and start learning how to drive. It would be completely fantastic! I cannot wait till driving lessons start.
Ashara is coming and I'm getting pretty anxious about maintaining my voice to pray marsiya. God willing, hopefully my voice will not give way during ashara and will remain ok for the zikr opf Imam Husain.
Take care guys....and have fun.
Went to Malaysia last weekend and met my sweetheart and fell even more deeply in love with her. Sometimes, it just takes one person to completely change your perspective on life. Or at least some perspectives if not all.
I passed my basic theory test! Woohoo! I'm so happy. Now I can apply for a provisional driving license and start learning how to drive. It would be completely fantastic! I cannot wait till driving lessons start.
Ashara is coming and I'm getting pretty anxious about maintaining my voice to pray marsiya. God willing, hopefully my voice will not give way during ashara and will remain ok for the zikr opf Imam Husain.
Take care guys....and have fun.
Monday, January 10, 2005
Woohoo! Finally, the wireless system in my house is working and my computer is finally connected. No more hogging mum's laptop. Haha. Thanks mum, for all the online time.
Was quite busy these past few days. I dunno what exactly I've been doing but I've been doing lots of stuff. Yet, I'm still not doing the things I should be doing like arranging and tidying all my stuff in the room, exercising regularly, watching what I eat and engrossing myself in studying. Sigh....where does all the time go?
I seriously gotta watch less TV.
Went back to NYJC last wednesday to meet Mr Chan about Bio and ended up doing lots of other stuff. Checked out the ongoing orientation. I must say that the 27th student council is doing an amazing job with this year's orientation. They've really got things going. Mr Tan brought me to see the new teacher's room and saw some LTC photos. Met Mr Singh and had an awkward silent moment before he tols me "Life must go on" and we talked a bit about Mr John Lim. Mr Lim...still so dearly missed. It seems Mr Singh took over his table so that there wouldn't be an 'empty space'. Sometimes you just gotta give it to Mr Singh. He really knows what to do in almost every situation. I would say, he's as wise as Gandalf. Also, I finally met Mrs Ho! Talked about lots of stuff with her.
Anyway, the next day the NYJC orientation participants came over to my office at the CDHG and it was pretty fun trying to entertain them. Made the day a lot more enjoyable. JS also came over with a bunch of 26ers.
We'll see what the week brings ahead. I'll also get some photos of the memorial service tomorrow so I'll put that up on my blog.
See ya guys!
Was quite busy these past few days. I dunno what exactly I've been doing but I've been doing lots of stuff. Yet, I'm still not doing the things I should be doing like arranging and tidying all my stuff in the room, exercising regularly, watching what I eat and engrossing myself in studying. Sigh....where does all the time go?
I seriously gotta watch less TV.
Went back to NYJC last wednesday to meet Mr Chan about Bio and ended up doing lots of other stuff. Checked out the ongoing orientation. I must say that the 27th student council is doing an amazing job with this year's orientation. They've really got things going. Mr Tan brought me to see the new teacher's room and saw some LTC photos. Met Mr Singh and had an awkward silent moment before he tols me "Life must go on" and we talked a bit about Mr John Lim. Mr Lim...still so dearly missed. It seems Mr Singh took over his table so that there wouldn't be an 'empty space'. Sometimes you just gotta give it to Mr Singh. He really knows what to do in almost every situation. I would say, he's as wise as Gandalf. Also, I finally met Mrs Ho! Talked about lots of stuff with her.
Anyway, the next day the NYJC orientation participants came over to my office at the CDHG and it was pretty fun trying to entertain them. Made the day a lot more enjoyable. JS also came over with a bunch of 26ers.
We'll see what the week brings ahead. I'll also get some photos of the memorial service tomorrow so I'll put that up on my blog.
See ya guys!
Sunday, January 02, 2005
As I read more and more reports on the damage inflicted by the tsunami, the full extent of the whole thing finally hits me.
Sometimes, its just too painful to think about these things.
To think about children who were on holiday with their parents, a happy family and then suddenly thrust into the sadness which is orphanhood. Then there are children who were just living their carefree lives which were destryoed the moment the tsunami killed either them or their families. Then there are the children who lived a very hard life, trying to work very hard so that they do not go hungry at the next mealtime, who are now in complete despair after the tsunami.
It's just so painful to think about them. But whats the point of just thinking about them? Whats the point of pitying them? How is that going to help them?
I'm gonna try to donate as much as I can to the funds which help the victims of the disaster. And I urge you to do the same if you haven't done so.
One of my aims in life is to set up an organisation which helps children in poverty and aims to give them the same oppurtunities as other children. If you have a similar goal, do let me know, perhaps we can do it together.
Let us be one with humanity, by saving humanity's joy and future.
P.S. Do leave a comment or a small message at the tag board! Starting to feel quite empty!
Sometimes, its just too painful to think about these things.
To think about children who were on holiday with their parents, a happy family and then suddenly thrust into the sadness which is orphanhood. Then there are children who were just living their carefree lives which were destryoed the moment the tsunami killed either them or their families. Then there are the children who lived a very hard life, trying to work very hard so that they do not go hungry at the next mealtime, who are now in complete despair after the tsunami.
It's just so painful to think about them. But whats the point of just thinking about them? Whats the point of pitying them? How is that going to help them?
I'm gonna try to donate as much as I can to the funds which help the victims of the disaster. And I urge you to do the same if you haven't done so.
One of my aims in life is to set up an organisation which helps children in poverty and aims to give them the same oppurtunities as other children. If you have a similar goal, do let me know, perhaps we can do it together.
Let us be one with humanity, by saving humanity's joy and future.
P.S. Do leave a comment or a small message at the tag board! Starting to feel quite empty!
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