Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yesterday the cadets of Montfort NCDCC did the school proud, did NCDCC proud and did me proud by performing beyond the highest expectations to execute a perfect parade as Guard of Honour for Montfort School's founder's day.

For almost four months, these cadets have been waking up early in the morning to undergo very taxing training, but they never complained, they just kept pushing on to ensure that they give nothing less than their best. They worked hard so that they would realise their final goal.

I hardly slept on Friday night and finally gave on sleep around 4 am and went to get ready. had a really slow breakfast while reading LKY's memoirs. Then jumped on a bus to Montfort. The cadets got ready and drew their guns and did a final rehearsal. Then it was time for the pep-talk. Cpt Pang and myself spoke to the cadets about how much they had worked towards this and that now this was the moment that would bring fruition to their efforts. I almost choked up with tears at this moment. We then asked the cadets to take positions and they performed the wonderful parade.

After that was a photo taking session with the cadets and I spoke with the parents to thank them for their support. After that it was over.

I got the sec 4s in the room and spoke to them about their coming O levels and how they have to put aside their CCA and work towards a good L1R5. It was their final NCDCC session. After the exams when they come back on the 17th, it would already be their POP ceremony. When I was speaking to them about winding down from their CCA, I could almost feel the pain in them around the room. Especially from Caleb who was sitting right beside me. These people are the pioneers of the unit. They've already spent more than 3 years together building up the unit, going through good and bad times together. And the next time they would meet in uniform for pop, it would be over.

The unit's success doing this GOH means one thing, that despite being a young unit, the unit is strong just like other NCDCC units around Singapore. NCDCC's aim to become a Choice UG is gaining momentum and people know that when they see a NCDCC cadet, they will see leadership, a responsible citizen and somebody who knows basic civil defence skills which could one day save a life. I'm honoured to be part of this. To be part of an organisation which believes in building the character of the younger generation and ensuring that our cadets will be equipped with leadership skills that are not necessarily learnt in the classroom.

The sec 4s invited me to go K-box (is that how its spelt?) after the GOH was over. I declined. Not only did I need to study but I needed to re-charge for things to come.

The cadets have done us proud. The parade is over. Yet the spirit lingers. How does one cope with such wonderful memories knowing that it is now over? How does one move on even higher after spending so much of himself to achieve a new high? I think of what I was telling Sarah Cheng after production was over. I would move on to other things, even better things but once in a while, when all is quiet, I would smile quietly to myself remembering how wonderful i felt training the cadets and watching them grow from boys to men.

Pictures of the event can be found on the Montfort NCDCC Blog Links to more photos would be added later.

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