And so the day that I had been dreading for a long long time finally arrived. While I dreaded it, I knew it must come. Yesterday was the day the sec 4 cadets of Montfort NCDCC unit, the pioneer batch of NCDCC cadets, ended their term of service as NCDCC cadets with a R.O.D. ceremony.
Ever since I started the training the SNCO-designates (student leaders of the unit) to prepare them for the leadership roles they would play in the unit, I knew that one day, they would step down and say their goodbyes and carry on with their lives, armed with a range of new life skills. It was a normal process of life and the ROD ceremony, while a farewell ceremony, also marks their success.
The day before the ceremony, we had an overnight camp for all sec 4 cadets. It started at around 6pm. Before that I met Caleb (our CSM) and Jonathan (our ASM) for lunch. We reached school at around 5pm. We started off with dinner, followed by sharing sessions and a very fun and exciting war game. While absolutely exhausting, the war game was just absolutely fun! We played around for a while and then the war game just degenerated into a 'saboh' session where even the officers were not spared! Cpt Pang's fun streak became quite apparent. We then washed up and I had a sharing session with just the SNCOs. It was kind of like a final big debrief of their last one year. They shared with me what they felt were their accomplishments, their regrets, what they hoped for the future and their hopes for the unit. The rest of the sec fours joined up with us later and the sharing continued. Finally, we got too hungry and some of them headed fr the 7-eleven for some food and Cpt Pang, Caleb, Johnathan, Kang Hao and myself headed to the roti prata shop to have a midnight snack. When we came back, it was around 3am. After a bit more chatting exhaustion overcame us, or at least Mr Pang and myself and we went to sleep, after talking a lot more.
After waking up, we got ready for the day. There was an indoor ceremony in the AVA theatrette. I was called up by the emcee to give the first speech. I was contemplating what I would say because I never seem to be able to say everything I want when I give speeches. So I did better. I made sure I said everything I wanted to say to the sec 4s the night before. In the speech, I paid tribute to the sec 4s who were not SNCOs but made significant contributions to the unit. Then I turned my attention to the SNCOs. I had no idea how I managed to talk about them without tearing. I almost did. Cpt Pang and Major Howard then gave speeches after which the certificates and awards were given out. I was to give the plaques to the SNCOs. As every SNCO came to receive his plaque, I shook their hand and told them how proud I was of each of them. The Best Unit Cadet and SCDF-NCDCC Pinnacle Badge awards were given to Caleb. I was so proud of him. Thinking of what he was like when I was first posted to the unit and how much he had grown and matured into an aspiring young leader, I must say that cadets like him
give volunteers like me the motivation to keep doing what we do. Then a video was played which traced the journey of the sec 4 cadets from the time they entered NCDCC till now. It was prepared by the Sec 3s with a little help from me. I chose two songs, Graduation by Vitamin C followed Long Goodbye by RonanKeating to be played in accompaniment to the video. I must say the songs made the whole video rather emotional.
Then all the 5 SNCOs came up to give a speech. Caleb's speech was rather emotional and he was tearing up all the way. He spoke about his experiences in NCDCC and left some advice for his successors. He thanked me in his speech for inspiring him to become a better leader. I may not remember the words exactly but the sentiments are still clear and vivid in my mind. Johnathan than spoke about what NCDCC meant to him followed by Pradeep, Shi Jing and Kang Hao. I was really impressed by Shi Jing as he stood up there speaking. Like Caleb, he had really come very far to become a really amazing individual.
We ended the indoor session with a photo taking session. In the informal photo, I decided to be really informal and sit in the middle with my cadets.
Finally, the ROD parade segment. The parade stood at attention and the OC Unit, Cpt Kevin Pang accepted the salute. The NCDCC Song was played and the NCDCC pledge was recited. Then came a truly emotional part. All the officers went onto the parade square and shook hands with all the secondary 4 cadets. When I came to Nathaeneal, he asked me for a hug. :) He is another cadet I am proud of. Instead of taking the easy way out, he decided to persevere and even made to the GOH contingent for Founders' Day this year.
The final part of the parade was when WO Caleb Castro handed back his symbol of Authority as CSM, the wooden pace stick, to the OC unit. He then asked for permission for the parade to be dismissed and the sec fours to ROD. He gave the 'bersurai' command and when they left their ranks, the sec 4s threw their berets into the air to signify their successful completion of the NCDCC programme.
What happened after that was a complete blur. I was really tired and I had to get ready for a meeting of the Youth Organising Committee of the Asean Youth Festival. I do remember the sec 4s coming to talk to me and I do remember talking with Mr Pang about our Sec 3s. Beyond that is a blur.
When I finally reached home after the meeting, I fell asleep. After I woke up, the exhaustion mostly gone, I was just overcome with a feeling of sadness. Sure, it was a happy occasion to see our sec 4 boys grown up becoming young men. But I had already started to miss them terribly. I started to get quite upset and unfortunately, mum and dad saw me in this state. They were really concerned and almost wanted to cancel their dinner appointment if I didn't tell them what was wrong. I finally had to tell them and mum was like "Yeah you will be sad for a while but eventually you'll be just proud of them." Dad said (joking of course) that he wouldn't know what I'd do if I had a daughter and had to give her away on her wedding. (ha.ha.) Mr pang also sent me some supportive SMSes.
I pray to God that he protects my cadets on their journey in life henceforth and that no matter what challenges lie ahead, they would be able to overcome it and be successful in life.
Guys, I'm really really going to miss you.
Post-scriptI remember writing in one of my earlier posts long ago that I was afraid that I wouldn't leave any lasting legacy in the world before I died. Its not my name that I want to leave behind. I just wanted to make sure that I was part of something that helps to make the world a better place. Now, I think that I don't hove to worry. I think I'm part of that something now. And I don't ever want to stop.